June 2024

Dear friends,
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to lose everything overnight? That’s what happened to Jamear, a woman who found us over a year ago after her rental house burned down. She lost everything she owned, from clothes to furniture, house items, pictures, documents, and all the little things we often take for granted. In her desperation, she sought help and found us, initially hoping to receive food donations. But she had no idea she was going to get much more.

As Jamear began to visit us regularly, she received not only food, clothes, toiletries, and other essentials, but she also received HOPE. She found comfort in speaking with our volunteers and praying with them. She felt encouraged and no longer alone, realizing that there were others encouraging her and praying for her, so she could keep going. Today, Jamear continues to come to us every month for food. While she still has a long way to go in her recovery, she knows that when she comes to receive donations, she is surrounded by people who treat her with love and care.

By the grace of God and supporters like you, we can help people like Jamear. Thank you for your prayers, donations, and volunteer time. We couldn’t do what we do without you. I’m also grateful for every financial contribution we receive, from the $5 a child donates to those who sponsor families every month. You are making a difference! On behalf of Jamear and the thousands of others we have helped, may God bless you a thousandfold for your generosity and for making a significant impact in the lives of those who need it the most.

Sandra Fader
Executive Director

Mailing address

5846 S. Flamingo Rd. #3070, Cooper City, Fl 33330

Donations Email


Physical address

8530 Stirling Rd., Davie, Fl 33024

Volunteers Email


Phone number


General Email
